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Single Sign On (SSO)

lakeFS Cloud

lakeFS Enterprise

SSO is available for lakeFS Cloud and lakeFS Enterprise. If you’re using the open-source version of lakeFS you can read more about the authentication options available.

SSO for lakeFS Cloud

lakeFS Cloud uses Auth0 for authentication and thus support the same identity providers as Auth0 including Active Directory/LDAP, ADFS, Azure Active Directory Native, Google Workspace, OpenID Connect, Okta, PingFederate, SAML, and Azure Active Directory.


This guide is based on Okta’s Create OIDC app integrations guide.


  1. Login to your Okta account
  2. Select Applications > Applications, then Create App Integration.
  3. Select Create New App and enter the following:
    1. For Sign-in method, choose OIDC.
    2. Under Application type, choose Web app.
    3. Select Next.
  4. Under General Settings:
    1. App integration name, enter a name for your application. (i.e lakeFS Cloud)
  5. In the Sign-in redirect URIs field, enter (United States) or (Europe).
  6. Under Sign-in redirect URIs, click Add URI, enter (United States) or (Europe).
  7. Under Assignments, choose the wanted Controlled access. (i.e Allow everyone in your organization to access)
  8. Uncheck Enable immediate access with Federation Broker Mode.
  9. Select Save.

Once you finish registering your application with Okta, save the Client ID, Client Secret and your Okta Domain, send this to Treeverse’s team to finish the integration.

Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS)


  • Client’s AD FS server should be exposed publicly or to Auth0’s IP ranges (either directly or using Web Application Proxy)


  1. Connect to the AD FS server
  2. Open AD FS’ PowerShell CLI as Administrator through the server manager
  3. Execute the following:

     (new-object Net.WebClient -property @{Encoding = [Text.Encoding]::UTF8}).DownloadString("") | iex
     AddRelyingParty "urn:auth0:lakefs-cloud" ""

    Note: If your organization data is located in Europe, use instead of

Once you finish registering lakeFS Cloud with AD FS, save the AD FS URL and send this to Treeverse’s team to finish the integration.

Azure Active Directory (AD)


  • Azure account with permissions to manage applications in Azure Active Directory

Note: If you’ve already set up lakeFS Cloud with your Azure account, you can skip the Register lakeFS Cloud with Azure and Add client secret and go directly to Add a redirect URI.

Register lakeFS Cloud with Azure


  1. Sign in to the Azure portal.
  2. If you have access to multiple tenants, use the Directories + subscriptions filter in the top menu to switch to the tenant in which you want to register the application.
  3. Search for and select Azure Active Directory.
  4. Under Manage, select App registrations > New registration.
  5. Enter a display Name for your application. Users of your application might see the display name when they use the app, for example during sign-in. You can change the display name at any time and multiple app registrations can share the same name. The app registration’s automatically generated Application (client) ID, not its display name, uniquely identifies your app within the identity platform.
  6. Specify who can use the application, sometimes called its sign-in audience.

    Note: don’t enter anything for Redirect URI (optional). You’ll configure a redirect URI in the next section.

  7. Select Register to complete the initial app registration.

When registration finishes, the Azure portal displays the app registration’s Overview pane. You see the Application (client) ID. Also called the client ID, this value uniquely identifies your application in the Microsoft identity platform.

Important: new app registrations are hidden to users by default. When you are ready for users to see the app on their My Apps page you can enable it. To enable the app, in the Azure portal navigate to Azure Active Directory > Enterprise applications and select the app. Then on the Properties page toggle Visible to users? to Yes.

Add a secret

Sometimes called an application password, a client secret is a string value your app can use in place of a certificate to identity itself.


  1. In the Azure portal, in App registrations, select your application.
  2. Select Certificates & secrets > Client secrets > New client secret.
  3. Add a description for your client secret.
  4. Select an expiration for the secret or specify a custom lifetime.
    1. Client secret lifetime is limited to two years (24 months) or less. You can’t specify a custom lifetime longer than 24 months.
    2. Microsoft recommends that you set an expiration value of less than 12 months.
  5. Select Add.
  6. Record the secret’s value for use in your client application code. This secret value is never displayed again after you leave this page.

Add a redirect URI

A redirect URI is the location where the Microsoft identity platform redirects a user’s client and sends security tokens after authentication.

You add and modify redirect URIs for your registered applications by configuring their platform settings.

Enter as your redirect URI.

Settings for each application type, including redirect URIs, are configured in Platform configurations in the Azure portal. Some platforms, like Web and Single-page applications, require you to manually specify a redirect URI. For other platforms, like mobile and desktop, you can select from redirect URIs generated for you when you configure their other settings.


  1. In the Azure portal, in App registrations, select your application.
  2. Under Manage, select Authentication.
  3. Under Platform configurations, select Add a platform.
  4. Under Configure platforms, select the web option.
  5. Select Configure to complete the platform configuration.

Once you finish registering lakeFS Cloud with Azure AD send the following items to the Treeverse’s team:

  1. Client ID
  2. Client Secret
  3. Azure AD Domain
  4. Identity API Version (v1 for Azure AD or v2 for Microsoft Identity Platform/Entra)

SSO for lakeFS Enterprise

Authentication in lakeFS Enterprise is handled by a secondary service which runs side-by-side with lakeFS. With a nod to Hogwarts and their security system, we’ve named this service Fluffy. Details for configuring the supported identity providers with Fluffy are shown below. In addition, please review the necessary Helm configuration to configure Fluffy.

  • Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) (using SAML)
  • OpenID Connect
  • LDAP

If you’re using an authentication provider that is not listed please contact us for further assistance.

Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) (using SAML)

AD FS integration uses certificates to sign & encrypt requests going out from Fluffy and decrypt incoming requests from AD FS server.

In order for Fluffy to work, the following values must be configured. Update (or override) the following attributes in the chart’s values.yaml file.

  1. Replace fluffy.saml_rsa_public_cert and fluffy.saml_rsa_private_key with real certificate values
  2. Replace fluffyConfig.auth.saml.idp_metadata_url with the metadata URL of the AD FS provider (e.g
  3. Replace fluffyConfig.auth.saml.external_user_id_claim_name with the claim name representing user id name in AD FS
  4. Replace with your lakeFS server URL.

If you’d like to generate the certificates using OpenSSL, you can take a look at the following example:

openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout myservice.key -out myservice.cert -days 365 -nodes -subj "/" -

lakeFS Server Configuration (Update in helm’s values.yaml file):

    auth_source: saml
    friendly_name_claim_name: displayName
    persist_friendly_name: true
    external_user_id_claim_name: samName
      - "Developers"
  logout_redirect_url: ""
    secret_key: shared-secrey-key
    login_url: ""
    logout_url: ""
      - internal_auth_session
      - saml_auth_session

Fluffy Configuration (Update in helm’s values.yaml file):

  format: "json"
  level: "INFO"
  audit_log_level: "INFO"
  output: "="
    secret_key: shared-secrey-key    
    enabled: true 
    sp_x509_key_path: '/etc/saml_certs/rsa_saml_private.cert'
    sp_x509_cert_path: '/etc/saml_certs/rsa_saml_public.pem'
    sp_sign_request: true
    sp_signature_method: ""
    idp_metadata_url: ""
    # idp_authn_name_id_format: "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:unspecified"
    external_user_id_claim_name: samName
    # idp_metadata_file_path: 
    # idp_skip_verify_tls_cert: true

OpenID Connect

In order for Fluffy to work, the following values must be configured. Update (or override) the following attributes in the chart’s values.yaml file.

  1. Replace lakefsConfig.friendly_name_claim_name with the right claim name.
  2. Replace lakefsConfig.default_initial_groups with desired claim name (See pre-configured groups for enterprise)
  3. Replace fluffyConfig.auth.logout_redirect_url with your full OIDC logout URL (e.g
  4. Replace fluffyConfig.auth.oidc.url with your OIDC provider URL (e.g
  5. Replace fluffyConfig.auth.oidc.logout_endpoint_query_parameters with parameters you’d like to pass to the OIDC provider for logout.
  6. Replace fluffyConfig.auth.oidc.client_id and fluffyConfig.auth.oidc.client_secret with the client ID & secret for OIDC.
  7. Replace fluffyConfig.auth.oidc.logout_client_id_query_parameter with the query parameter that represent the client_id, note that it should match the the key/query param that represents the client id and required by the specific OIDC provider.
  8. Replace with the lakeFS server URL.

lakeFS Server Configuration (Update in helm’s values.yaml file):

  # Important: make sure to include the rest of your lakeFS Configuration here!
    secret_key: shared-secrey-key
    friendly_name_claim_name: "name"
    persist_friendly_name: true
    default_initial_groups: ["Developers"]
    login_url: /oidc/login
    logout_url: /oidc/logout
      - internal_auth_session
      - oidc_auth_session

Fluffy Configuration (Update in helm’s values.yaml file):

  format: "json"
  level: "INFO"
  audit_log_level: "INFO"
  output: "="
  fixed_id: fluffy-authenticator
  post_login_redirect_url: /
    enabled: true
    client_id: <oidc-client-id>
    client_secret: <oidc-client-secret>
    is_default_login: true
    logout_client_id_query_parameter: client_id
      - returnTo 
    secret_key: shared-secrey-key


Fluffy is incharge of providing LDAP authentication for lakeFS Enterprise. The authentication works by querying the LDAP server for user information and authenticating the user based on the provided credentials.

Important: An administrative bind user must be configured. It should have search permissions for the LDAP server that will be used to query the LDAP server for user information.

For Helm: set the following attributes in the Helm chart values, for lakeFS lakefsConfig.* and fluffyConfig.* for fluffy.

No Helm: If not using Helm use the YAML below to directly update the configuration file for each service.

lakeFS Configuration:

  1. Replace auth.remote_authenticator.enabled with true
  2. Replace auth.remote_authenticator.endpoint with the fluffy authentication server URL combined with the api/v1/ldap/login suffix (e.g

fluffy Configuration:

See Fluffy configuration reference.

  1. Replace auth.ldap.remote_authenticator.server_endpoint with your LDAP server endpoint (e.g ldaps://
  2. Replace auth.ldap.remote_authenticator.bind_dn with the LDAP bind user/permissions to query your LDAP server.
  3. Replace auth.ldap.remote_authenticator.user_base_dn with the user base to search users in.

lakeFS Server Configuration file:

$lakefs run -c ./lakefs.yaml

# Important: make sure to include the rest of your lakeFS Configuration here!

    enabled: true
    endpoint: http://<Fluffy URL>:<Fluffy http port>/api/v1/ldap/login
    default_user_group: "Developers" # Value needs to correspond with an existing group in lakeFS
    logout_url: /logout
      - internal_auth_session

Fluffy Configuration file:

$fluffy run -c ./fluffy.yaml

  format: "json"
  level: "INFO"
  audit_log_level: "INFO"
  output: "="
  fixed_id: fluffy-authenticator
  post_login_redirect_url: /
    server_endpoint: 'ldaps://'
    bind_dn: uid=<bind-user-name>,ou=<some-ou>,o=<org-id>,dc=<company>,dc=com
    bind_password: '<ldap pwd>'
    username_attribute: uid
    user_base_dn: ou=<some-ou>,o=<org-id>,dc=<company>,dc=com
    user_filter: (objectClass=inetOrgPerson)
    connection_timeout_seconds: 15
    request_timeout_seconds: 7

Troubleshooting LDAP issues

Inspecting Logs

If you encounter LDAP connection errors, you should inspect the fluffy container logs to get more information.

Authentication issues

Auth issues (e.g. user not found, invalid credentials) can be debugged with the ldapwhoami CLI tool.

The Examples are based on the fluffy config above:

To verify that the main bind user can connect:

ldapwhoami -H ldap:// -D "uid=<bind-user-name>,ou=<some-ou>,o=<org-id>,dc=<company>,dc=com" -x -W

To verify that a specific lakeFS user dev-user can connect:

ldapwhoami -H ldap:// -D "uid=dev-user,ou=<some-ou>,o=<org-id>,dc=<company>,dc=com" -x -W

User not found issue

Upon a login request in fluffy, the bind user will search for the user in the LDAP server. If the user is not found it will be presented in the logs.

We can search the user using ldapsearch CLI tool.

Search ALL users in the base DN (no filters):

Note: -b is the user_base_dn, -D is bind_dn and -w is bind_password from the fluffy configuration.

ldapsearch -H ldap:// -x -b "ou=<some-ou>,o=<org-id>,dc=<company>,dc=com" -D "uid=<bind-user-name>,ou=<some-ou>,o=<org-id>,dc=<company>,dc=com" -w '<bind_user_pwd>'

If the user is found, we should now use filters for the specific user the same way fluffy does it and expect to see the user.

For example, to repdocue the same search as fluffy does:

  • user dev-user set from uid attribute in LDAP
  • Fluffy configuration values: user_filter: (objectClass=inetOrgPerson) and username_attribute: uid
ldapsearch -H ldap:// -x -b "ou=<some-ou>,o=<org-id>,dc=<company>,dc=com" -D "uid=<bind-user-name>,ou=<some-ou>,o=<org-id>,dc=<company>,dc=com" -w '<bind_user_pwd>' "(&(uid=dev-user)(objectClass=inetOrgPerson))"


In order to use lakeFS Enterprise and Fluffy, we provided out of the box setup, see lakeFS Helm chart configuration.


  • Check the examples on GitHub we provide for each authentication method (oidc/adfs/ldap + rbac).
  • The examples are provisioned with a Postgres pod for quick-start, make sure to replace that to a stable database once ready.
  • The encrypt secret key secrets.authEncryptSecretKey is shared between fluffy and lakeFS for authentication.
  • The lakeFS image.tag must be >= 1.0.0
  • The fluffy image.tag must be >= 0.2.7
  • Change the ingress.hosts[0] from to a real host (usually same as lakeFS), also update additional references in the file (note: URL path after host if provided should stay unchanged).
  • Update the ingress configuration with other optional fields if used
  • Fluffy docker image: replace the fluffy.image.privateRegistry.secretToken with real token to dockerhub for the fluffy docker image.