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Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

lakeFS Cloud

lakeFS Enterprise

RBAC is available on lakeFS Cloud and lakeFS Enterprise.

RBAC Model

Access to resources is managed very much like AWS IAM.

There are five basic components to the system:

  1. Users - Representing entities that access and use the system. A user is given one or more Access Credentials for authentication.

  2. Actions - Representing a logical action within the system - reading a file, creating a repository, etc.

  3. Resources - A unique identifier representing a specific resource in the system - a repository, an object, a user, etc.

  4. Policies - Representing a set of Actions, a Resource and an effect: whether or not these actions are allowed or denied for the given resource(s).

  5. Groups - A named collection of users. Users can belong to multiple groups.

Controlling access is done by attaching Policies, either directly to Users, or to Groups they belong to.

Authorization process

Every action in the system - be it an API request, UI interaction, S3 Gateway call, or CLI command - requires a set of actions to be allowed for one or more resources.

When a user makes a request to perform that action, the following process takes place:

  1. Authentication - the credentials passed in the request are evaluated and the user’s identity is extracted.
  2. Action permission resolution - lakeFS then calculates the set of allowed actions and resources that this request requires.
  3. Effective policy resolution - the user’s policies (either attached directly or through group memberships) are calculated.
  4. Policy/Permission evaluation - lakeFS will compare the given user policies with the request actions and determine whether or not the request is allowed to continue.

Policy Precedence

Each policy attached to a user or a group has an Effect - either allow or deny. During evaluation of a request, deny would take precedence over any other allow policy.

This helps us compose policies together. For example, we could attach a very permissive policy to a user and use deny rules to then selectively restrict what that user can do.

Resource naming - ARNs

lakeFS uses ARN identifier - very similar in structure to those used by AWS. The resource segment of the ARN supports wildcards: use * to match 0 or more characters, or ? to match exactly one character.

Here are a some examples of valid ARNs within lakeFS and their meaning:

ARN Meaning
arn:lakefs:auth:::user/jane.doe A specific user
arn:lakefs:auth:::user/* All users
arn:lakefs:fs:::repository/myrepo/* All resources under myrepo
arn:lakefs:fs:::repository/myrepo/object/foo/bar/baz A single object ARN
arn:lakefs:fs:::repository/myrepo/object/* All objects in myrepo
arn:lakefs:fs:::repository/* All repositories
arn:lakefs:fs:::* All resources under the fs ARN prefix

Additionally, the current user’s ID is interpolated in runtime into the ARN using the ${user} placeholder.

This allows us to create fine-grained policies affecting only a specific subset of resources.

See below for a full reference of ARNs and actions.

Actions and Permissions

For the full list of actions and their required permissions see the following table:

Action name required action Resource API endpoint S3 gateway operation
List Repositories fs:ListRepositories * GET /repositories ListBuckets
Get Repository fs:ReadRepository arn:lakefs:fs:::repository/{repositoryId} GET /repositories/{repositoryId} HeadBucket
Get Commit fs:ReadCommit arn:lakefs:fs:::repository/{repositoryId} GET /repositories/{repositoryId}/commits/{commitId} -
Create Commit fs:CreateCommit arn:lakefs:fs:::repository/{repositoryId}/branch/{branchId} POST /repositories/{repositoryId}/branches/{branchId}/commits -
Get Commit log fs:ReadBranch arn:lakefs:fs:::repository/{repositoryId}/branch/{branchId} GET /repositories/{repositoryId}/branches/{branchId}/commits -
Create Repository fs:CreateRepository arn:lakefs:fs:::repository/{repositoryId} POST /repositories -
Namespace Attach to Repository fs:AttachStorageNamespace arn:lakefs:fs:::namespace/{storageNamespace} POST /repositories -
Import From Source fs:ImportFromStorage arn:lakefs:fs:::namespace/{storageNamespace} POST /repositories/{repositoryId}/branches/{branchId}/import -
Cancel Import fs:ImportCancel arn:lakefs:fs:::repository/{repositoryId}/branch/{branchId} DELETE /repositories/{repositoryId}/branches/{branchId}/import -
Delete Repository fs:DeleteRepository arn:lakefs:fs:::repository/{repositoryId} DELETE /repositories/{repositoryId} -
List Branches fs:ListBranches arn:lakefs:fs:::repository/{repositoryId} GET /repositories/{repositoryId}/branches ListObjects/ListObjectsV2 (with delimiter = / and empty prefix)
Get Branch fs:ReadBranch arn:lakefs:fs:::repository/{repositoryId}/branch/{branchId} GET /repositories/{repositoryId}/branches/{branchId} -
Create Branch fs:CreateBranch arn:lakefs:fs:::repository/{repositoryId}/branch/{branchId} POST /repositories/{repositoryId}/branches -
Delete Branch fs:DeleteBranch arn:lakefs:fs:::repository/{repositoryId}/branch/{branchId} DELETE /repositories/{repositoryId}/branches/{branchId} -
Merge branches fs:CreateCommit arn:lakefs:fs:::repository/{repositoryId}/branch/{destinationBranchId} POST /repositories/{repositoryId}/refs/{sourceBranchId}/merge/{destinationBranchId} -
Diff branch uncommitted changes fs:ListObjects arn:lakefs:fs:::repository/{repositoryId} GET /repositories/{repositoryId}/branches/{branchId}/diff -
Diff refs fs:ListObjects arn:lakefs:fs:::repository/{repositoryId} GET /repositories/{repositoryId}/refs/{leftRef}/diff/{rightRef} -
Stat object fs:ReadObject arn:lakefs:fs:::repository/{repositoryId}/object/{objectKey} GET /repositories/{repositoryId}/refs/{ref}/objects/stat HeadObject
Get Object fs:ReadObject arn:lakefs:fs:::repository/{repositoryId}/object/{objectKey} GET /repositories/{repositoryId}/refs/{ref}/objects GetObject
List Objects fs:ListObjects arn:lakefs:fs:::repository/{repositoryId} GET /repositories/{repositoryId}/refs/{ref}/objects/ls ListObjects, ListObjectsV2 (no delimiter, or “/” + non-empty prefix)
Upload Object fs:WriteObject arn:lakefs:fs:::repository/{repositoryId}/object/{objectKey} POST /repositories/{repositoryId}/branches/{branchId}/objects PutObject, CreateMultipartUpload, UploadPart, CompleteMultipartUpload
Delete Object fs:DeleteObject arn:lakefs:fs:::repository/{repositoryId}/object/{objectKey} DELETE /repositories/{repositoryId}/branches/{branchId}/objects DeleteObject, DeleteObjects, AbortMultipartUpload
Revert Branch fs:RevertBranch arn:lakefs:fs:::repository/{repositoryId}/branch/{branchId} PUT /repositories/{repositoryId}/branches/{branchId} -
Get Branch Protection Rules branches:GetBranchProtectionRules arn:lakefs:fs:::repository/{repositoryId} GET /repositories/{repository}/branch_protection -
Set Branch Protection Rules branches:SetBranchProtectionRules arn:lakefs:fs:::repository/{repositoryId} POST /repositories/{repository}/branch_protection -
Delete Branch Protection Rules branches:SetBranchProtectionRules arn:lakefs:fs:::repository/{repositoryId} DELETE /repositories/{repository}/branch_protection -
Create User auth:CreateUser arn:lakefs:auth:::user/{userId} POST /auth/users -
List Users auth:ListUsers * GET /auth/users -
Get User auth:ReadUser arn:lakefs:auth:::user/{userId} GET /auth/users/{userId} -
Delete User auth:DeleteUser arn:lakefs:auth:::user/{userId} DELETE /auth/users/{userId} -
Get Group auth:ReadGroup arn:lakefs:auth:::group/{groupId} GET /auth/groups/{groupId} -
List Groups auth:ListGroups * GET /auth/groups -
Create Group auth:CreateGroup arn:lakefs:auth:::group/{groupId} POST /auth/groups -
Delete Group auth:DeleteGroup arn:lakefs:auth:::group/{groupId} DELETE /auth/groups/{groupId} -
List Policies auth:ListPolicies * GET /auth/policies -
Create Policy auth:CreatePolicy arn:lakefs:auth:::policy/{policyId} POST /auth/policies -
Update Policy auth:UpdatePolicy arn:lakefs:auth:::policy/{policyId} POST /auth/policies -
Delete Policy auth:DeletePolicy arn:lakefs:auth:::policy/{policyId} DELETE /auth/policies/{policyId} -
Get Policy auth:ReadPolicy arn:lakefs:auth:::policy/{policyId} GET /auth/policies/{policyId} -
List Group Members auth:ReadGroup arn:lakefs:auth:::group/{groupId} GET /auth/groups/{groupId}/members -
Add Group Member auth:AddGroupMember arn:lakefs:auth:::group/{groupId} PUT /auth/groups/{groupId}/members/{userId} -
Remove Group Member auth:RemoveGroupMember arn:lakefs:auth:::group/{groupId} DELETE /auth/groups/{groupId}/members/{userId} -
List User Credentials auth:ListCredentials arn:lakefs:auth:::user/{userId} GET /auth/users/{userId}/credentials -
Create User Credentials auth:CreateCredentials arn:lakefs:auth:::user/{userId} POST /auth/users/{userId}/credentials -
Delete User Credentials auth:DeleteCredentials arn:lakefs:auth:::user/{userId} DELETE /auth/users/{userId}/credentials/{accessKeyId} -
Get User Credentials auth:ReadCredentials arn:lakefs:auth:::user/{userId} GET /auth/users/{userId}/credentials/{accessKeyId} -
List User Groups auth:ReadUser arn:lakefs:auth:::user/{userId} GET /auth/users/{userId}/groups -
List User Policies auth:ReadUser arn:lakefs:auth:::user/{userId} GET /auth/users/{userId}/policies -
Attach Policy To User auth:AttachPolicy arn:lakefs:auth:::user/{userId} PUT /auth/users/{userId}/policies/{policyId} -
Detach Policy From User auth:DetachPolicy arn:lakefs:auth:::user/{userId} DELETE /auth/users/{userId}/policies/{policyId} -
List Group Policies auth:ReadGroup arn:lakefs:auth:::group/{groupId} GET /auth/groups/{groupId}/policies -
Attach Policy To Group auth:AttachPolicy arn:lakefs:auth:::group/{groupId} PUT /auth/groups/{groupId}/policies/{policyId} -
Detach Policy From Group auth:DetachPolicy arn:lakefs:auth:::group/{groupId} DELETE /auth/groups/{groupId}/policies/{policyId} -
Attach External Principal to a User auth:CreateUserExternalPrincipal arn:lakefs:auth:::user/{userId} POST /auth/users/{userId}/external/principals -
Delete External Principal Attachment from a User auth:DeleteUserExternalPrincipal arn:lakefs:auth:::user/{userId} DELETE /auth/users/{userId}/external/principals -
Get the User attached to an External Principal auth:ReadExternalPrincipal arn:lakefs:auth:::externalPrincipal/{principalId} GET /auth/external/principals -
Read Storage Config fs:ReadConfig * GET /config/storage -
Get Garbage Collection Rules retention:GetGarbageCollectionRules arn:lakefs:fs:::repository/{repositoryId} GET /repositories/{repositoryId}/gc/rules -
Set Garbage Collection Rules retention:SetGarbageCollectionRules arn:lakefs:fs:::repository/{repositoryId} POST /repositories/{repositoryId}/gc/rules -
Prepare Garbage Collection Commits retention:PrepareGarbageCollectionCommits arn:lakefs:fs:::repository/{repositoryId} POST /repositories/{repositoryId}/gc/prepare_commits -
List Repository Action Runs ci:ReadAction arn:lakefs:fs:::repository/{repositoryId} GET /repositories/{repository}/actions/runs -
Get Action Run ci:ReadAction arn:lakefs:fs:::repository/{repositoryId} GET /repositories/{repository}/actions/runs/{run_id} -
List Action Run Hooks ci:ReadAction arn:lakefs:fs:::repository/{repositoryId} GET /repositories/{repository}/actions/runs/{run_id}/hooks -
Get Action Run Hook Output ci:ReadAction arn:lakefs:fs:::repository/{repositoryId} GET /repositories/{repository}/actions/runs/{run_id}/hooks/{hook_run_id}/output -
Get Pull Request pr:ReadPullRequest arn:lakefs:fs:::repository/{repositoryId} GET /repositories/{repository}/pulls/{pull_request} -
Create Pull Request pr:WritePullRequest arn:lakefs:fs:::repository/{repositoryId} POST /repositories/{repository}/pulls -
Update Pull Request pr:WritePullRequest arn:lakefs:fs:::repository/{repositoryId} PATCH /repositories/{repository}/pulls/{pull_request} -
Merge Pull Request pr:WritePullRequest + Merge Branches arn:lakefs:fs:::repository/{repositoryId} PUT /repositories/{repository}/pulls/{pull_request}/merge -
List Pull Requests pr:ListPullRequests arn:lakefs:fs:::repository/{repositoryId} GET /repositories/{repository}/pulls -

Some APIs may require more than one action.For instance, in order to create a repository (POST /repositories), you need permission to fs:CreateRepository for the name of the repository and also fs:AttachStorageNamespace for the storage namespace used.

Preconfigured Policies

The following Policies are created during initial setup:


  "statement": [
      "action": [
      "effect": "allow",
      "resource": "*"


  "statement": [
      "action": [
      "effect": "allow",
      "resource": "*"


    "statement": [
            "action": [
            "effect": "allow",
            "resource": "*"


  "statement": [
      "action": [
      "effect": "allow",
      "resource": "*"


  "statement": [
      "action": [
      "effect": "allow",
      "resource": "arn:lakefs:auth:::user/${user}"


    "statement": [
            "action": [
            "effect": "allow",
            "resource": "*"
            "action": [
            "effect": "allow",
            "resource": "*"


    "statement": [
            "action": [
            "effect": "allow",
            "resource": "*"
            "action": [
            "effect": "allow",
            "resource": "*"

Additional Policies

You can create additional policies to further limit user access. Use the web UI or the lakectl auth command to create policies. Here is an example to define read/write access for a specific repository:

    "statement": [
            "action": [
            "effect": "allow",
            "resource": "arn:lakefs:fs:::repository/<repository-name>"
            "action": [
            "effect": "allow",
            "resource": "arn:lakefs:fs:::repository/<repository-name>/branch/*"
            "action": [
            "effect": "allow",
            "resource": "arn:lakefs:fs:::repository/<repository-name>/object/*"
            "action": [
            "effect": "allow",
            "resource": "arn:lakefs:fs:::repository/<repository-name>/tag/*"
        	"action": ["fs:ReadConfig"],
        	"effect": "allow",
        	"resource": "*"

Preconfigured Groups

lakeFS has four preconfigured groups:

  • Admins
  • SuperUsers
  • Developers
  • Viewers

They have the following policies granted to them:

Policy Admins SuperUsers Developers Viewers

Pluggable Authentication and Authorization

Authorization and authentication is pluggable in lakeFS. If lakeFS is attached to a remote authentication server (or you are using lakeFS Cloud) then the role-based access control user interface can be used. If you are using RBAC with your self-managed lakeFS then the lakeFS configuration element auth.ui_config.rbac should be set to external. An enterprise (paid) solution of lakeFS should set auth.ui_config.rbac as internal.